This past week, Li Sashay was asked to be part of 2 video productions. The first was for reality tv and the second is for NC State's STEM program which features adult's showing high school math in real-world careers. STEM was a great chance for us to give back and hopefully form a positive impact on future generations. Or, make a really dorky video. We will leave you to be the judge. You will be able to see the final project at teacher conferences July 13th and 27th. Most people don't realize a fair amount of algebra and geometry goes into pattern drafting, and I loved the chance to give back. Given the huge number of CAD programs out there today, there is no way that I would be able to use them without basic math skills. Lots of fun with the camera gang. Hopefully, this will be it for Li Sashay's limelight this month. I must say, I've spent more time on video talking the past month than the rest of my life combined. It''s a lot more work than I expected.
PS-This photo comes from NC State's STEM mission calling page. Li Sashay does not own the photo.
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