Today we're relaxing and having fun with our Etsy meet-up group. All of us headed over to the big red truck that sits in front of Techshop on our lunch break. A couple weeks ago some of us heard on NPR about a new craze in big cities called Gorilla Knitting where people make knitted goods to put on statues or sidewalks to help beautify them. We heard Alison Stewart talking about the
Bryant Park Project. You can see various youtube footage of people sneaking out during lunch breaks or late at night to add a little warmth to their city.
Our etsy group thought that it would be fun to do on our big red truck. We used fun hand-knit blue scarves to give our truck two giant mischievous mustaches. A lot of my job is serious filling orders for clients so it's good

to relax occasionally. There's a knitting circle up the street from me that meets every Weds at lunch for 2 hrs. at
Loco Lu's from 1-3. It's a great place to sit for an hour and work on a project. If you haven't been I invite you to drop by.
Our next Etsy Meet-up is June 14th from 7-10 pm at Techshop. It's a great place to meet fellow Etsians and share tools and tricks of the trade for what does and doesn't work. Meetings are the second Tuesday of every month and feature snacks, a guest speaker, and craft exchange. Everyone is welcome. We look forward to seeing you there one day soon.
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