Good math is like your first bike. There's a moment when, you suck a deep breath in. Exhale. Inhale. Then you're off, knees a little shaky, pedaling like the wind, hoping you won't fall again. Desperate not to fall again, then hoping you'll fall again just to take the nervous butterflies out of your stomach, and suddenly it clicks. You realize in the back of your mind, "I am riding a bike." Then it becomes a more confident, "Yes, I am riding a bike." And finally a mental cheer "I AM RIDING A BIKE. ME. "
You never forget that moment. Your muscles burn the memory into themselves.
Math, like riding a bike or driving a car, is a concept, a set of rules. Rules that can free you. It's how you use it that's important. And like a riding a bike, it's very simplicity causes it to be frequently overlooked. Lawmakers who quote the importance of math, often miss that like bikes, math comes in different flavors. While the action is the same, the delivery may vary. What fits one person, may be a total disaster for another.
These past two weeks, I was asked to talk about high school math algebra and geometry that I use on a daily basis as a professional designer to provide a different perspective from the traditional engineer and science guest lecturers at NC State.
We will be covering making custom boots, wallets, belts, bags, gloves, and hats. You may follow for free on the STEM site or youtube. If you would like to try your own hand (or someone you love hands), you are welcome to order the kits for $20 each off Etsy:

Part One: Designing your bag, point and line graphing
Part Two: Finding Area
Part Three: Finding Volume
Each section is geared to take 30 min, and your total time to teach the entire plan will range from 1-3 hrs. depending on skill level.
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