As always we will be meeting at:
The Conference Room at Techshop RDU
5905 Triangle Drive
Raleigh, NC 27617
(919) 782-2344
Call if you get lost, we can't wait to see you.
7-8 pm Working with Models It's Allegra and Katie time this week as we get to spend an hour working with these lovely ladies on photography shots. I hope that this will allow everyone the chance to work on their photos and lighting. You are welcome to bring your own camera or us one of ours, I will be uploading all the photos afterwards for anyone who does not have ready access to a camera. I really hope that everyone has fun and gets to learn a lot.
If you would like to book them for more work, their going rates are $100/ half day and $200/full day. Pick up their cards and feel free to check out some local model talent.
8-10 pm Beginning Lace-making

Tues night we're celebrating North Carolina's lace-making history. For those of you who aren't aware, North Carolina had a number of famous lace factories until the 1970s when they were shut down to move overseas. Many of the factories have since reopened in the 1990s only instead of making lace for ladies to wear, they are being used by the health care industry in research to knit living tissue together. It's a little wild to think that your new artery or skin might come from one of these vintage machines. Today we will be paying homage to that with a little traditional lace-making 101. This is still popular in Europe as way to make a living, especially if you like crocheting or knitting. Please wear comfortable clothes you can get dirty as stuffing lace pillow bases with saw dust can get on clothing. Everyone should get a free pillow to take home to make more of their own lace after this event.
Lace making traditionally occurs on a pillow that has been stuffed with saw dust, shavings, or straw to provide a firm base. Richard from Triangle Outdoor Furniture is providing the dust for this event. The pillow is filled with at least 2 inches of wood shavings, then sewn or stapled shut. The most common form used is round as it allows for more mistakes.
Next the needles or bobbins are threaded and the paper pattern is laid out on the pillow. You begin filling in the pattern with 3 basic stitches that are alternated and pinned as you go to fill in the designs. We will have free downloaded designs on Italian Lace from the University of Arizona's public library at the meetings. You can visit the website here: to get an idea of available patterns.
When you get done, take the lace off the pillow and voila. You are ready to decorate your own outfit or give as a unique Valentine's Gift. Have a great week everyone and can't wait to have you drop in.
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