Friday, May 21, 2010

Designing Peasant Shirts

This week, Jolina and I pulled out the dress forms to design peasant tops which has gone well. One of the misnomers in fashion for me has been the realization that just because you can sketch a dozen outfits in an hour, does not mean you can make said dozen outfits in an hour. Coming from a sales background where one can sell many dresses, shirts, etc. in a day, it can be humbling to find yourself working on a given concept for hours or days. I always thought that designing my own clothing line would be similar to running a load of wash. Hahahahaha, way too simplistic. My median time seems to be roughly one new solid concept a week with one real item added to the shop on a monthly basis. That's because for every item you add, there's a 100 plus you're throwing away. This week, the one that made the cut was peasant tops. These are really flattering on the figure and look great with jeans and our custom messenger bags. I'll have to tell you next week how they're doing. I'm trying to focus more on clothes and get away from accessories.

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